2013 Fund a Kid Campaign
Please consider sponsoring one, or some, of our phenomenal youth. And here’s why:
- Kids served – Fiscal Year 2012 = 441 different youth. Fiscal Year 2013 = 522 different youth – an increase of 18% of kids served and an 8% increase in meals provided.
- All of our services, special events, and meals are free to the youth that we serve. For a sponsorship of $960/year, or $80/month, a youth receives 1,300 hours of programming and 260 healthy, well-rounded meals.
- Our business model is simple – We are in the business of transforming lives; and in some cases, saving lives.
- Our business philosophy is straightforward – We function with a non-profit heart and operate with a corporate mind-set.
- Total agency budget – $476,371 (2013/2014)
- Region served – Westbrook and Greater Portland area
- We receive 16% of our funding from the City of Westbrook and the United Way of Greater Portland. The remaining 84% must be raised every year.
- We are in the midst of a capital campaign to raise an additional $263,000 to renovate our 100-year-old, 10,000 square foot building. We have already raised $300,000.
- Our practice entails that we are loving first in all things and firm when we need to be.
- Our internal motto: from food stamps to global leaders.
- We need an 11-passenger van to transport 1,500-2,000 pounds/food per week and to deliver kids to their homes on cold nights. We’ve been offered $20,000 if we can match that amount from another source.
Some say that time heals all wounds. But, it’s what you do with your TIME that heals. And time spent at MPTC is very precious indeed. Your support does make a tangible difference. Our business units are KIDS, and the dividends back to you, our shareholder, is their future. And these kids are YOUR future neighbors, friends, co-workers, and employees. YOU want them to spend time with us. And we WILL make a difference.
Please know that your enthusiasm and support for our program is essential. Your gift helps to leverage other vital resources; so, thank you very much for considering MPTC this holiday season!