Thanks to our donors
(July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017)
We are deeply grateful for the generous support of our donors.
HERO $100,000 & Above
Community Development Block Grant
Cornelia Warren Community Association
Department of Health and Human Services
MENTOR $10,000 – $49,999
Allagash Brewing Company
City of Westbrook
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.
Maine Community Foundation / Grants to Green
Narragansett Number One Foundation
Rite Aid Foundation
Sam L Cohen Foundation
United Way of Greater Portland
ADVOCATE $5,000 – $9,999
Disability RMS
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
Fisher Charitable Foundation
Frances Hollis Brain Foundation
Grainger Community Grant Program
Hannaford’s bags 4 my cause
New England Patriots Foundation
State of Maine
The Evelyn S and K.E. Barrett Foundation
The Miller Foundation
ROLE-MODEL $2,500 – $4,999
Acadia Insurance Group
Bangor Savings Bank Foundation
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. IT Department
Androscoggin Bank Main Street Foundation
TD Bank N.A.
The Agnes M Lindsay Foundation
The Leonard & Mildred Ferguson Foundation
BUDDY $1,000 – $2,499
County of Cumberland
Good Shepherd Food Bank of Maine
J. Gaudet Associates
John T. Gorman Foundation
Jumpstart Our Youth
Mastermind Group
The Bauman Family Foundation, Inc.
Unity Foundation
Woodbury Fund of the Maine Community Foundation
FRIEND $25 – $999
Artel Inc.
Big Fish Promotions, LLC
Boston Athletic Association
Camp Bow-Wow – Portland ME
Clynk Count & Crush
Continuum for Creativity LLC
Discover Your Well Being
East Brown Cow Management, Inc.
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Health Advances – donation on behalf of Jeff Thomas
Marsh Agency
Nappi Distributors
Orkin Pest Control via Ron Winslow
Oscar, LLC
P&C Insurance
Portland Financial Planning Group
Primo Building & Development LLC
Real Estate Holdings, LLC
Reidman & Associates, LLC
Remax By The Bay
Sparkling Clean, LLC
Sun Life Financial – Matching Gift On Behalf of Renee Reed
Suzanne Rochon & the IDEXX IT Team donation in memory of Bea Rochon
Verrill Dana
Westbrook Police Association
In Kind Donors
Bakers Bench
Bumbleroot Organic Farm
Burdette Beckman Inc.
Carters of Westbrook
Cunningham Security
Cupcake makers
Debbie Nelson
Disability RMS
DLM Corp
Good Shepherd Food Bank
Hancock Lumber – Windham and Yarmouth Stores
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.
Jason Landry Consulting, LLC
Julie Candow
Knight Property Services
Lori Whitlock
MacLeod Structural Engineers
Mad Gab’s Natural and Organic Bodycare
Masonry Tech Waterproofing
Native Maine Produce
Oakhurst Dairy
Olympia Sports
P&G Masonry Restoration
Pike Industries
Pine State Services
Pine Tree Rod and Gun Club
Stroudwater Food Pantry
TD Bank
The Erickson Family – Patty & Dave, Debbie and Ron, and Kathy and Holly
Theriault Chiropractic
Tricia and Trevor Emery
Wayside Food Programs
Westbrook Public Safety
Westbrook Public Services
Westbrook School Department
MPTC serves 500+ kids each year. Members make a recurring annual gift of $960 to Fund-A-Kid (or kids) for one year.
Anne Vaillancourt
Anonymous gift in honor of Beth Murphy
Cathy Gaw Savage
Cheryl Hinckson and Mike Emery
Chuck Sears
David and Lynne Champoux
Dave Sherman and Moey Burchanal
Deborah Shangraw
Drummond Woodsum
Elaine Spiller
Eric Heintz
Giovani Twigge
Guy and Jane Cote
Harold and Dee Dee Baum
Jen and Chris Bowring
Kiwanis Club of Westbrook
Kris and Ken Conant
Krista Foye
Larry and Colette Wold
Lisa and Luis Varela
Lois Hardy
Lynda and Shawn Adams
Maine Interior Design Association
Marc Drouin
Martha Gaythwaite
Mast Landing Brewing Company
Matthew Brown
Meg and Rich Pickering
New England Chiropractic
Opal Staudenmaier
Chuck Sears
Phil Spiller
Pine State Services
Rosse Family Charitable Foundation
Ryan Michaelson
Saccarappa Lodge 86
Saco & Biddeford Savings Bank
Saco & Biddeford Savings Charitable Foundation
The Gattine Family
The Original Frog & Turtle Gastro Pub
Theresa Cloutier and DMM
Theresa Patten – Credere Associates
Tom & Jerry’s Car Wash
Trinity Lutheran Church
WEX, Inc.
Woodbury Creative
MENTOR $10,000 – $49,999
Kevin P McCarthy
ADVOCATE $5,000 – $9,999
BUDDY $1,000 – $2,499
Carol Ward
Doug & Mary Nelson
Gretchen Drown
FRIEND $25 – $999
Abbe J. Levin
Abbott W. Mosher
Amy Carson
Andrew & RaeAnne Cook
Anna Houser
Anna Turcotte
Arthur Goldsmith
Ashley Reid
Ashley Swenson
Barbara Kinney
Benjamin Fournier
Beth Cormier
Brian & Krista Martin
Brian Morin
Bryanna Phillips
C. Alan & Linda Beagle
Caren Michel
Carin Dowling-Ingraham
Carleen Cook
Carolyn Smith
Celine Couillaut
Charles & Barbara Hahn
Charles Haws
Charles W.H. Dodge
Christine Johnson
Christopher A. Perrin
Christopher Lee
Danielle McCarraher
Danielle Pinkham
David & Nola Rolfe
David & Stacey McDonald
David & Erin Guay in Honor of Matt Giggey
Dawn Huelskamp
Deb Erickson
Deborah & Richard Woodbury
Debra Bethel
Denise Dubois
Denise Houser
Denise Tepler in honor of
Rep. Drew Gattine and his good work on behalf of the people of Maine
Donna Senkbeil
Dorothy Tolin-Sensecqua
Douglas Chabot
Duane Damon
E. Douglas Johnson
Ed Finnegan
Ed Wiederhold
Edward Arthur Nutter
Elizabeth Sarazin
Ellen Rathbone
Eric Dean Krohne
Erica Schair-Cardona
Erik Jorgensen
Harry & Beth Johnson
Heidi Osborn & Gary Devoe, Jr.
Heidi Wurpel
Henrietta & Stan Roth
Ian Gans
James Bassett
James T. Bisson
Jane Hodgkins
Jane Mason
Jayne Morell
Janet Corbett
Jean McCabe
Jeannie Verrando
Jeffrey Small
Jennifer Saunders
Jesse Butler
Jesse Orach
Jessica Ferenc
Jins Whitlock
Joanne Hayden on behalf of Drew Gattine—a gentleman and a scholar!!
John Bennett
John Brooking
John Woodbury
Kaitlyn Cunningham-Morse
Karen Alcide
Karen Galos
Karen Maples
Katherine Bowring
Katherine Radke
Katherine Violette
Kathleen & Tim Higgins
Kathryn Olsen
Keith Clark
Kenneth Myers, D.D.S., PA
Kevin Tierney
Kim True
Kimberlee Harrison
Kimberly Burke
Kristen Scribner
Kristin Larkin
Lauren Sterling
Lee & Hans Warner
Lee Rossignol
Leslie J. Harkins
Lewis Simoneau
Lori Whitlock
Lorraine & Timothy Sullivan
Lynn Leavitt
Margaret & Terry Quinlan
Margaret Day
Marie Sullivan
Mark Mueller
Martha Carignan
Mary Levesque in Memory of Darren Cook Class of 1990
Mathew H. Orlando
Matthew Hemming
Matthew King
Matthew Stokes
Maureen FitzGerald
Maureen Van Uden
Melody Stickney
Michael & Caryl Giggey
Michael Harvie
Michael Hildreth
Michael Ross
Michael Sprunger
Michael Torlen
Michelle Sturgis
Mitchell Garner
Nancy Theriault
Pamela & Bruce Dyer
Patricia Emery in Memory of Paul Emery
Patricia Erickson
Paul Hutchins
Peter Pitegoff
Philip Spiller
R. Jonathan & Karen Fuller
Rachel Kennedy
Renee M Reed
Richard & Sally Boardman
Richard Marciano
Robert & Janice Hall
Robert Hores
Roberta Proctor
Robyn Pinette
Ronald Narofsky
Roni Barbera
Sally Knight
Sally Melcher
Sally Williams
Sang T Saunders
Sarah Stockwell
Scott Hardy
Scott Sperry
Shelley Emmons
Sheryl Tutt
Shirley Harrison
Stephanie Richard
Stephen Allen
Stephen Yager
Steven Fresh
Steven Richard
Sue Harper
Susan Cook
Susan Hamilton
Susan Hawkes & Brian Oliver
Susan Wilcox
Suzanne Joyce
Terrance Zline
Thelma Diphilippo
Thomas & Kelly Dorr
Thomas Stockwell
Todd, Carolyn & Hayley Bickford
Tom McVicker
Vicki Gordan
Vincent Asanza
Virginia Hush
Whitney Smith
William & Penelope McVicker
William Ervin
Individual Volunteers
Alice Ruvane
Bernie Danis
Beth Cormier
Chef Elliot Satin
Chef John George
Chef Todd Roberge
Chris Bowring
Colin McCrillis
Dena Wheeler
Denise Dubois
Don Esty
Eddie Wilson
Gina Duffy
Janice Merrill
Jen Bowring
Jesse Butler
Justin Edgar
Karen Hayden
Kelly Hurley
Kim L’Heureux
Lisa Stiffler
Lori Whitlock
Lynn Leavitt
Mac Hayden
Marie Sullivan
Matt Giggey
Nicol Rosen
Nils Ferm
Opal Staudenmaier
Rachael Burnett
Rachel Reed
Randall Landry
Rhonda Green
Samantha Day
Samantha Roberts
Sandy Horne
Tracy Sullivan
Wendy DeCampo
Wendy Newcomb
Group Volunteers
Acadia Insurance Co.
First Baptist Church of Westbrook
Garbage to Garden
IDEXX cooks
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.
Infinity FCU
Peoples United Bank
TD Bank
United Way of Greater Portland
Westbrook Kiwanis & Key Club
Westbrook Police Department